
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
It’s Only Money! - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Money is not a thing --- it’s energy. Joseph Campbell said that “Money is congealed energy, and releasing it releases life’s possibilities.” So even when we don’t have cash and coins or money in our checking account to spread around, or to buy the things we want, we always have access to an endless supply of energy in the form of ideas and passion and creativity. We also have the freedom to use these intangibles. We need to get it into our heart and mind that there is no such thing as a money problem; there is only an idea problem. There is only a blockage of flow, a blockage of energy, and the only possible place the flow of ideas can be blocked is from inside our consciousness. to spread around, or to buy the things we want, we always have access to an endless supply of energy in the form of ideas and passion and creativity. We also have the freedom to use these intangibles. We need to get it into our heart and mind that there is no such thing as a money problem; there is only an idea problem. There is only a blockage of flow, a blockage of energy, and the only possible place the flow of ideas can be blocked is from inside our consciousness.

Sunday Oct 09, 2016
The Past Does Not Define … It Prepares - Rev. Angela Harmon
Sunday Oct 09, 2016
Sunday Oct 09, 2016
Every Life has many defining moments. For me, three that immediately come to mind are, (1) Becoming a Mom; (2) becoming a Grandmother; and (3) becoming a Metaphysical teacher and minister. All these things, while challenging, were important to my spiritual development. But do those things make me, me? And while we’re at it, what makes You, You?
I’ve come to realize that it takes everything that has happened to us to make us who we are today. But while we learn lessons from the past, the mistakes of the past do not have to define us in the present.
In my journey, I’ve found that without learning life’s harder lessons, I may not have sought out and found my spiritual path. Adversity required me to receive the lesson, to learn from it and to keep moving forward. So remember to celebrate the triumphs because you made it through it ALL

Sunday Oct 02, 2016
Getting Ready For The Fall - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Oct 02, 2016
Sunday Oct 02, 2016
There are too many people in this world living their lives afraid of making a big mistake. They’re afraid that if they fall down in life, or fail to please God, or get in a ‘dangerous’ situation, they’ll never be able to get up again. So they stand in one place, holding on to the rail, and they watch life pass them by. That may keep you from getting run over, or from falling down; but it isn’t a very gratifying way to live

Sunday Sep 25, 2016
My Greatest Gift - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
The most wonderful gifts of all are those that we can give completely to one person, and still have plenty left over to give to someone else, or even to ourselves. These are what we might call “spiritual gifts.” They don’t cost anything. You can’t find them in a store. You can’t buy them on-line. And it feels as good when we give them as it does when we receive them. These are gifts of the heart, which actually means they are gifts of the Spirit. With these things, the act itself is not the gift; the real value lies in the way the gift is presented. It’s not the wrapping or the timing that’s important; it’s the consciousness.

Sunday Sep 18, 2016
To be aware is to be awake! - Greta Counts RscP
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Awareness is the beginning of change. Self-awareness is the key to experiencing that change. Our realization of our oneness with Source opens us to transformation. When we tune in to the Divine potential of the internal and maintain a consciousness of Oneness with Source we can live joyously. You are cordially invited to wake up & live!"

Sunday Sep 11, 2016
The Unlearned Lessons of 9/11 - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Sep 11, 2016
Sunday Sep 11, 2016
There are no spiritual forces fighting each other in the world; it's all God. Every person, every place, every thing. Every situation, every experience, every condition. When we turn on a light switch, the light doesn't have to fight with the darkness to force it out of the room. The darkness doesn't go anywhere because it's not a thing; it has no power of its own. People who use intentional violence to achieve their political ends are nothing more than a spot of temporary darkness, a shadow, in a world of light. That's why we have to stop teaching our children, by our example, that violence is a long-term solution to the world's problems; it's not, and it never will be.

Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Seven Stages of God - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Our relationship with our higher power always appears to be changing, because life changes around us. But the real change comes as our inner awareness evolves. So what we need to focus on are the ways in which God doesn’t change. That has to be the foundation for our faith. That has to be the place we turn to when we need a better idea, when we need to transcend whatever situation is clouding our mind or tearing at our heart. That’s how we become centered in The One. That’s the one thing every enlightened person has learned. So that’s what we should want to learn, too.

Sunday Aug 28, 2016
How I spent my Summer Vacation - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
If you look in a classroom of kindergartners, you’ll see these fantastic little beings who are just exploding with spontaneity and excitement. They’re amazed by a paper airplane, or a goldfish in a bowl. They’ve got this beautiful sense of innocence, bubbling up right below the surface, and it just fills your heart to watch it. We let them act that way because they’re still babies, they don’t know any better. But the older they get, the less freedom we give them to be themselves. In fact, if they act that way in high school, we send them to the principle’s office, where they’re usually punished and told to act like responsible adults. Do you see anything wrong with this picture?

Sunday Aug 21, 2016
Consider the Source - Rev Angela Harmon
Sunday Aug 21, 2016
Sunday Aug 21, 2016
Oftentimes we talk with others about our problems or the problems in our world. Sometimes the advice helps, sometimes it hinders. Watching the news, television shows and movies can also influence our point of view.
Being bombarded with commercials, advertisements, even billboards about what’s best for us, how do we sort through all the different opinions? What should we listen for?
Think about where you seek guidance. How do you determine what’s best for you and yours? How do you find a reliable source? We need to learn to consider “God” as our Greatest Source. The Science of Mind principles allow us to sort through, attract and benefit from our best resources, creating the ability to duplicate (over and over gain) our best life formula, uniquely designed for us by the Source of all Good.

Sunday Aug 14, 2016
A Leisurely Walk Through Life. - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Aug 14, 2016
Sunday Aug 14, 2016
On any given day, if you look around, you can see people who are gliding through Life with great ease. And right behind them, dragging themselves along one step at a time, are people for whom life is a constant struggle. What we have to remember is, they’re all living the same Life, because there’s only one Life. We all have the same number of hours in the day. We’re all made out of the same stuff. We all have access to the same infinite source of ideas. And we all have the power to choose. The only reason our Life experiences are different is because we’re not all living Life the same way.