
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Ghosts and New Beginnings - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
With Halloween just a few days away, lets have a ghoulishly good time laughing at the ghosts from our past and preparing for a new day of freedom and prosperity.

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Opening the Divine Circuits - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
What stands in the way of the flow of good in your life? How do you know? What can you do about it? What does it have to do with Abundance? It is the Plus of Abundance. Come explore these ideas and more.

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
The Truth about Money Rev Dr Bob Deen
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Money is God in action. These famous words from Raymond Charles Barker have been repeated and echoed down through time. But what does that really mean. Let's face it, everyone wants more money, financial security, and a sense of confidence that they have all that they need to live well according to their desires. What is the true currency of Money? How does it move? Where does it reside? How do I have more to use and enjoy? Some of the question we will consider this day.

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Abundance is an Inside Job - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Living in abundance with ease and grace requires more than just money or things. There is no amount quota one needs to live in abundance. It cannot be measured by cars, lands, possessions, or status. Abundance is a mindset; a way of thinking that is available to everyone and attainable by all. It may require an overhaul or simply some adjustments, but whatever the change required, it is an inside job.

Sunday Sep 30, 2018
The Way of Acceptance - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
Sunday Sep 30, 2018
One thing acceptance does is keep us from trying to force things to be a certain way when they aren’t. We may have to accept sometimes that things are not the way we’d like them to be. We also might not always be quite as smart, or good, or hard-working, or compassionate or generous or passionate as we would like to think we are. That’s OK. We can always be more than what we are now. But first we have to accept who we are and where we are, and accept that participating joyfully and deliberately in the process of our personal evolution is much more important than whatever results we achieve.

Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
What Now? - Rev Dr. Bob Deen
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Our answers to these Questions, held at the deepest levels of our consciousness determine the shape and quality of our life experiences. As we consider the various answers to these questions we can pursue answers that bring our experiences into greater congruence with our dreams and desires. - Talk 4. What Now?

Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Why Am I Here? Rev Dr. Bob Deen
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Our answers to these Questions, held at the deepest levels of our consciousness determine the shape and quality of our life experiences. As we consider the various answers to these questions we can pursue answers that bring our experiences into greater congruence with our dreams and desires.

Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Where Am I? - Rev Dr. Bob Deen
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Our answers to these Questions, held at the deepest levels of our consciousness determine the shape and quality of our life experiences. As we consider the various answers to these questions we can pursue answers that bring our experiences into greater congruence with our dreams and desires.

Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Who am I? - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Our answers to these Questions, held at the deepest levels of our consciousness determine the shape and quality of our life experiences. As we consider the various answers to these questions we can pursue answers that bring our experiences into greater congruence with our dreams and desires.

Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Don’t Lie to yourself… It never helps - Rev Dr. Bob Deen
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
In The Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes, he affirms, “I will never again tell myself that I am poor, sick, weak, nor unhappy. I shall hot lie to myself….”. Our continuous self-talk holds great sway over our day to day experience. Want to change your experience? Change your self-talk! Stop arguing for your limitations and begin to argue for your strengths, your goodness, your beauty, and your happiness. Let’s explore the differences between the lies and the truth of ourselves.