
Monday Oct 28, 2013
Money to Spare Rev. David Barrett
Monday Oct 28, 2013
Monday Oct 28, 2013

Sunday Oct 20, 2013
Sunday Oct 20, 2013
Sunday Oct 20, 2013
"Everything in our physical experience has two sides, because that's what gives each side its own special flavor, and makes the whole that much better. Call it "creative tension" if you want. Rain makes us enjoy the sun a little more, and vice versa. Hot weather makes us appreciate cold weather. Food tastes better when we're hungry; we appreciate water more when we're a little thirsty. Walter Starcke, in his book, It's All God, says this is because everything finite needs a complement to complete it, to keep it in balance. The left brain needs the right brain. An inspired, creative business idea needs a logical, feasible economic plan. The intuitive complements the rational. The problem arises when the two parts are separated, or when we try to separate them. That's when things get out of balance, at least temporarily."

Monday Oct 14, 2013
THE Law of Abundance = MY Law of Abundance - Rev. David Barrett
Monday Oct 14, 2013
Monday Oct 14, 2013
Prosperity is a state of mind, accompanied by an inner feeling of peace, security, joy & omnipotence. To feel prosperous is to be in tune with the Universe and its unlimited resources and power. The substance of the Universe is available to all alike and in its availability, there is no discretion. It is up to each individual to expand his or her consciousness to embrace more of this Universal substance.

Monday Oct 07, 2013
Are We Having Fun Yet? Rev. Paul Gonyea
Monday Oct 07, 2013
Monday Oct 07, 2013
"I think that time spent laughing is the closest to our god-self we ever get, especially when we're laughing with those we love. Psychologists tell us that couples who laugh together a lot argue less, they make love more, and they have a lower rate of divorce and separation. That's not surprising. We really can't laugh and be angry at the same time. When we stop taking ourselves and our problems so seriously, we can stop keeping score. We can stop waiting for the other shoe to drop whenever things are going well. We can start looking at the "fun periods" as being the norm instead of the exception. We can enjoy the present, instead of worrying about the future."

Sunday Oct 06, 2013
Let Prosperity Flow - Rev. Paul Gonyea
Sunday Oct 06, 2013
Sunday Oct 06, 2013
When we begin to see Life as a continual flow of energy, we can begin to adjust the way we relate to that flow. We can stop looking at ourselves as having to be the Source of any good in our life. That takes a lot of pressure off. We can recognize that our Spirit, our Higher Self, is our connection to the Creator, because it has its source in the Universal Flow of Life. We can begin to see that our experience on this physical plane is like a stream, and our spiritual essence is like a spring flowing out of the ground. Emerson wrote, “Place yourself in the middle of the stream, and you will be impelled with no effort to a right and perfect contentment.” The source of the spring that feeds the stream of our life, our ultimate source, is a great underground river that never runs dry.

Sunday Oct 06, 2013
10 Years - Rev. Angela Harmon
Sunday Oct 06, 2013
Sunday Oct 06, 2013
On one hand, there are areas of life I wish to keep, maintain harmoniously, and open for enhancement. On the other hand, there are things I would like to improve, change, and do differently. This Sunday’s talk will be a stroll down memory lane as I reminisce on the past 10 years sharing how the SOM principles paved my way, andhow these same SOM principles will allow the next days, weeks and years to be "A list" living for me.
I invite you to take a stroll with me, recalling your "best of times and worst of times,” as we summon ways to live life abundantly, applying the SOM principles. Keeping in mind “all things are possible," attracting greater possibilities for ourselves and all others. And so it is

Monday Sep 16, 2013
The Suspension of Disbelief - Rev. Kim Brown
Monday Sep 16, 2013
Monday Sep 16, 2013

Sunday Sep 08, 2013
Closing the Deal - Rev. Paul Gonyea
Sunday Sep 08, 2013
Sunday Sep 08, 2013

Sunday Sep 01, 2013
A Deep Release - Rev. David Barrett
Sunday Sep 01, 2013
Sunday Sep 01, 2013

Sunday Aug 25, 2013
The Expectations of Others - Rev. Paul Gonyea
Sunday Aug 25, 2013
Sunday Aug 25, 2013
"The first thing we need to recognize is that expectations, whether they're ours or someone else's, can (and frequently do) affect the direction our creative energy takes. That means, if we aren't taking full responsibility for our own beliefs, expectations will either push or pull our thoughts in a certain direction. They also, depending upon what the expectation is or who is expressing it, can determine how motivated we are to have that expectation come true."