
Monday Jan 06, 2014
SOM Basics I - A Better Kind of God- Rev. Paul Gonyea
Monday Jan 06, 2014
Monday Jan 06, 2014

Sunday Dec 29, 2013
2014 is a Controllable Thing- Rev. David Barrett
Sunday Dec 29, 2013
Sunday Dec 29, 2013
Janus is the Roman God that is two-faced, one face looking backwards, and one looking forward. January is named after this God. To look back at the prior year, a time to tie up loose ends, and be grateful for ALL that transpired in 2013. And to look forward, not in anticipation, but in expectancy, in the knowing that 2014 doesn't happen to us... that we actually happen to 2014.

Sunday Dec 22, 2013
What Child Is This? - Rev. Paul Gonyea
Sunday Dec 22, 2013
Sunday Dec 22, 2013

Sunday Dec 15, 2013
How Far Away is Christmas Island? Rev. David Barrett
Sunday Dec 15, 2013
Sunday Dec 15, 2013

Sunday Dec 08, 2013
Shop 'til You Drop | Rev. Paul Gonyea
Sunday Dec 08, 2013
Sunday Dec 08, 2013

Thursday Dec 05, 2013
A Pilgrim walks into a Synagogue... | rev, David barrett
Thursday Dec 05, 2013
Thursday Dec 05, 2013
It is a rare weekend when the Thanksgiving weekend and the Hanukkah celebration fall on the same weekend so we will not only look at the historical significance of both celebrations, but also too, look at their spiritual implications. Then we will take that information and apply what it means to US, our personal lives, on this Thanksgiving Weekend /Hanukkah week of 2013.

Sunday Nov 24, 2013
Always the Last Leaf to Fall - Rev. David Barrett
Sunday Nov 24, 2013
Sunday Nov 24, 2013

Tuesday Nov 19, 2013
Path Not Taken - Rev. Paul Gonyea
Tuesday Nov 19, 2013
Tuesday Nov 19, 2013
“The most basic, fundamental, powerful choices in our life --- the ones that control everything else --- are really pretty simple and straightforward. And we all know what they are (or at least we should). Do I want to be prosperous or not? Do I want to be healthy or not? Do I want to love the work I do or not? Do I want to have love in my life or not? I know what my answers are; but everyone has to choose their own. You can say yes, no, or maybe; there is no right or wrong answer. But I can tell you this: a wishy-washy answer is guaranteed to produce wishy-washy results. On the other hand, once we choose a definite answer to any or all of these questions, with complete commitment, all the other choices will be a piece of cake. And our life will start to look a lot more like we want it to look.”

Tuesday Nov 12, 2013
How Thank You Heals - Rev. David M Barrett
Tuesday Nov 12, 2013
Tuesday Nov 12, 2013
As we get into the month of November, there will be a lot of references to gratitude and thanksgiving. I will do my part and share with you an ancient Hawaiian teaching that uses GRATITUDE as a healing step in returning to wholeness in any situation. Gratitude is greatly misunderstood in Treatment as well as in the healing process, so we will get to the root of it, the root of THANKSGIVING, in Treatment, in healing, in Living.

Sunday Nov 03, 2013
Got Wow? - Rev. Angela Harmom
Sunday Nov 03, 2013
Sunday Nov 03, 2013
Got Wow!? Life is full of moments. Some we remember. Some we forget. Usually the "Wow moments" are remembered.
Wow moments can be from whale watching in Maui to the passing of a friend within a month of become aware of a cancer diagnosis. Emotions and feelings run the gambit, but we grow from both when we are open and willing. Of course one appears more challenging the other. Without it how would we know the difference? Life Sunshine and Rain! How do we raise our vibration through the tougher Wow moments of life as well as maintain a zest for life? We are energetic beings full of life! We can align with our greatest good or worse outcomes.
This Sunday, I invite you to consider aligning at a higher vibration.
Generate more and lasting life enhancing Wow moments. Take the high road even when the lesser seems preferred. Demonstrating compassion for self and others through the difficult times. Get more Wow ! out of life.