
Wednesday Mar 19, 2014
Minute By Minute Rev. Angela Harmon
Wednesday Mar 19, 2014
Wednesday Mar 19, 2014
The song title reminds me that any given day is made one minute at a time; even seconds at a time.
Set a timer to 60 seconds. Decide what you are going to do. 60 seconds to meditate, call a friend, read a quote, write in your journal or calendar, or do nothing. Your choice.
Once the alarm chimes at one minute, determine if the time past quickly or slowly? Did you enjoy the moment or wished the alarm would chime?
Consider how each waking moment is spent
Do we start the day in gratitude?
Do we look forward to the best of the day?
Or dread the day?
Are we doing what matters most minute by minute?
Day by day?
Year by year?
Allow the practice of Science of Mind (SOM) principles to orchestrate a life that thrives! Living the joys and managing the pains. Radiating in the sunshine and embracing the rain, all through SOM principle-centered living. SOM promotes a way of life which summons the WOW moments which unfold minute by minute as we allow.
I invite you to join us at the Center for Spiritual Living Midtown this Sunday morning at 11 a.m., and open up to the frequency of living life in the now, minute by minute.

Sunday Mar 09, 2014
Attention in the Area - Rev. Paul Gonyea
Sunday Mar 09, 2014
Sunday Mar 09, 2014

Sunday Mar 02, 2014
A World That Works For All - Rev. Dr. Kenn Gordon -Spiritual Leader of CSL
Sunday Mar 02, 2014
Sunday Mar 02, 2014
Rev. Dr. Kenn Gordon is responsible for bringing to the world the teachings of Science of Mind®, also known as Religious Science. As Spiritual Leader, it is his goal to help awaken humanity so that individuals can create their own personal experiences of perfect health, abundance, love, and connection to an Inner Power. These personal transformations lead to the activity of people extending peace and compassion to others.
Dr. Gordon travels the world speaking with everyone from government and religious leaders to individual seekers about ageless spiritual principles that have been passed down through millennia and synthesized in the teachings of Science of Mind by its founder, Ernest Holmes. In his travels, he demonstrates respect for the teachings of other faiths and traditions with open receptivity and understanding of diversity while celebrating the oneness of all.
Dr. Gordon was elected Spiritual Leader of Centers for Spiritual Living in 2012 for a four-year term. Prior to that he held a variety of elected positions for Religious Science International, including President and Spiritual Leader. Centers for Spiritual Living was formed in 2012 when Religious Science International and United Church of Religious Science integrated into one entity dedicated to teaching greater understanding of spiritual laws and meaningful spiritual practices.
Dr. Kenn Gordon also serves on the Leadership Council for the Association of Global New Thought, an organization whose vision is "to consciously bring forth the evolving human and an awakened world through the practice of universal spiritual principles and the energy of unconditional love". He continues to serve with his wife, Rev. Dr. Deborah Gordon, as senior co-pastor of the Centre for Spiritual Living in Kelowna, British Columbia.

Sunday Feb 23, 2014
Everything Has A Season- Rev. Paul Gonyea
Sunday Feb 23, 2014
Sunday Feb 23, 2014

Monday Feb 17, 2014
Love AFTER Valentine's Day | Reverend David Barrett
Monday Feb 17, 2014
Monday Feb 17, 2014
It's easy to Love on Valentine's Day, with all the flowers and the candy and the dining out..... But it's AFTER Valentine's Day that we seem to not know how to Love as easily as before Valentine's Day. It seems harder to find, it seems harder to come by, it seems like there is just not enough of it to go around.... But when you understand what TRUE LOVE is you find it everywhere, it comes easily and effortlessly, and there is more than enough to go around. So what is TRUE LOVE? Come and find out on Sunday.

Sunday Feb 09, 2014
Looking Through the Eyes of Love | Reverend Paul Gonyea
Sunday Feb 09, 2014
Sunday Feb 09, 2014

Sunday Feb 02, 2014
My Abundant Acre - Rev. David Barrett
Sunday Feb 02, 2014
Sunday Feb 02, 2014

Sunday Jan 26, 2014
SOM Basics Talk IV -The Living Spirit of Life- Reverend Paul Gonyea
Sunday Jan 26, 2014
Sunday Jan 26, 2014
"It's important to remember that just knowing these principles, as powerful and exciting as they are, doesn't change anything in the world around us. Of course, it’s an important first step. It changes the way we look at the world, which is definitely a good thing. But to be really effective in changing our life experience, this knowledge has to be put to good use. If we can’t figure out how to use what we have learned, to get this Power to do what it does, so we can create a better life for ourselves and a better world for everybody, everywhere, from here on out, then there isn't much point in wasting our time learning about it."

Sunday Jan 19, 2014
SOM Basics III - Seeing the God in the World Reverend Paul Gonyea
Sunday Jan 19, 2014
Sunday Jan 19, 2014

Monday Jan 13, 2014
SOM Basics II - SEEING THE GOD IN US | Rev. Paul Gonyea
Monday Jan 13, 2014
Monday Jan 13, 2014