
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Inflate Your Love - Rev Daid Barrett
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
With all the talk of inflation and deflation, we’ll take this SUPER BOWL SUNDAY to examine just how much we deflate ourselves, even unintentionally, to the point that we feel tired, under appreciated, and not loved. But with one small ‘tool’, smaller than an inflation needle, we can inflate ourselves back to our intended, full pressurized Life. This ‘tool’ is available in Atlanta, no tire pump required!

Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Science of Mind Basics Talk 4: The Doorway to a New Experience
Sunday Jan 25, 2015
Sunday Jan 25, 2015
“What we need to understand and to remember is that we are the means by which God, or Spirit, creates and expresses Life in the world. It does so marvelously in the world at large, whether we choose to live that way or not. It will do it through us, or around us. It will do it with us or in spite of us — just not necessarily TO us or FOR us. The choice is always ours and ours alone. God doesn't make our choices for us. It gives us what we expect. So we can refuse to accept our good; we can deny it; we can close our eyes and claim we don’t see it; but we can’t change the Nature of this Power that’s always there to give us our heart’s desire. All WE can affect is how much good we are willing to accept.”

Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Why Creation Never Ends
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Sunday Jan 18, 2015
Whenever an idea comes to us, especially a powerful, exciting, life-expanding idea; when we finally accept it and give it our complete attention, and put our passion behind it, that idea will always find a way to appear in our life. But first, it has to become alive in our consciousness. Once we allow it to do that, then we become the means by which it becomes a part of our experience. And nothing outside of us can stand in its way, because it is the Power of All Creation doing what it does, which is creating something fresh and new in our life.

Sunday Jan 11, 2015
We’re All Divine
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
Sunday Jan 11, 2015
“It’s one thing to believe in a higher Power, in whatever way, shape or form that takes for us. But to live our life in the way we truly want to live it, we also have to believe something else. We have to believe that we all have within us — because, once again, we are all perfect ideas in the Mind of God — that we have within us all the power we could ever need to create whatever we choose to create. You are the only thinker, the only decision maker, in your life. And I am the only thinker in mine.”

Sunday Jan 04, 2015
A God for Everyone
Sunday Jan 04, 2015
Sunday Jan 04, 2015
If we want to expand our life, and experience all the possibility that the Universe holds, we have to learn to recognize this Perfect Intelligence, this One Creative Power, this Thing from which all other things emerge, as not only the greatest power in the Universe, but as the ONLY power in the Universe. We need to see It as a Power for Good. We need to see It as unlimited, as forever giving all of Itself to its creation. We need to do this because, as Dr. Holmes says, “Our belief sets the limit of our demonstration of a principle which is Itself without limit.

Sunday Dec 28, 2014
New Year! New You!
Sunday Dec 28, 2014
Sunday Dec 28, 2014
Has this year been a blur?

Sunday Dec 21, 2014
All the Light We Cannot See! - Rev David Barrett
Sunday Dec 21, 2014
Sunday Dec 21, 2014
It is on this Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, that it is appropriate to talk about Light. It is during this Festival of Lights, that it is appropriate that we talk about Light. And it is this week that we celebrate the birth of a new Light, not just of something that happened thousands of years ago, but is happening within us each and every day. YOU are the Light of the World!

Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Avoiding the Salvation Army - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Instead, salvation is a state of consciousness. It is learning to work in harmony with the Law of Life that is present within us and all around us, all the time. Once we understand this, we can allow ourselves to live life in the present, rather than worrying about some future judgment day that doesn’t really exist.

Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Guess Who's Coming Home for the Holidays?- Rev. David Barrett
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
It may be an annual tradition, it may be expectations, it may be out of obligation…. But if you are going home for any of these reasons, you are not going home as your True Self. Your True Self would return home in Love and Gratitude. Come hear about a Holiday Challenge to have your best holiday ever!

Sunday Nov 30, 2014
The Spiritual Path - Part 1 - Rev. Ursula Lentine
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
How does it begin? What are the trials and tribulations of this path? What do we figure out along the way? What we must remember when we get lost. What it is like to be off the path and then find our way back? Do you even know what direction this Path goes in? Why is it so lonely on the path? And why bother anyway?