
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
In the Spring, when I was hungry…….Rev. David Barrett
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Do you remember in your youth when you were really HUNGRY for something? Like a new bike, or a new doll? You did all you could to make that show up in your life, whether it was to do extra chores around the house, or just be more pleasing to your parents. Well, now that we are older, we know there is a greater way to demonstrate the things in Life we want, and thank goodness, it’s not pleasing others! Come HUNGRY Sunday!

Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Personally Yours - A Customized Connection with God - Rev. Marilyn Odom
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that “God enters by a private door into every individual.” Each of us can only know the God of his or her own experience. There are as many definitions of God as there are people on planet Earth. Each of us sees God in his or her own way. It is when we are open and receptive, with no preconceived ideas about sensing the presence of the Divine, that we discover we have made that inner connection with our Source. Then we find that knowing God is a simple and natural experience for us. It is in this knowing that we relax into peace and joy and perfect expression in the other relationships in our lives.

Sunday Apr 05, 2015
Finding Your Easter Basket! - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Apr 05, 2015
Sunday Apr 05, 2015
The Easter story is a glorious story, but it’s not a story about a God-man who lived and died and lived again 2000 years ago who we are supposed to worship. The story is a myth, which means it’s a sacred story meant to deliver a powerful spiritual message that, if we can understand it, will help us to live better and more meaningful lives. In other words, it’s a story about us, about what Dr. Holmes calls our Christ-consciousness. It isn't a story about a specific person; it’s about our own awakening, or should I say our re-awakening, to our Divine nature.”

Sunday Mar 29, 2015
If Not Now, When? - Rev. Angela Harmon
Sunday Mar 29, 2015
Sunday Mar 29, 2015
How often do we put life on hold?
When I get my degree I will ___
When I make more money I will ____
When I get married I will ___
When I retire I will ____
What about now?
“Get in the habit” of living life now
Tomorrow is promised to no one
So why not:
- Travel now
- Write a book now
- Date now
- Learn a new language now
- Be happy now
Fill in the blank and do it now
Living in the now is a conduit to dreams becoming reality
Bringing about the ability for new dreams to become reality limitlessly
Please join us Sunday to consider allowing principled centered living lead to living life conscious
To live in the present moment
To live the dream

Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Just Another Peace Talk
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
Sunday Mar 22, 2015
When it comes to creating peace instead of war, we all want to do something meaningful and effective; we just don’t know what. Even honest and caring people can’t seem to agree on the best way to stop the fighting. As a result, we end up doing either the wrong thing, or doing nothing. And that doesn’t move us forward as a race in the direction we’re trying to go.

Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Sunday Mar 15, 2015
Yes, there is an aspect of us that has never been fearful, never been scared, never doubted, but what is it that is within us the feels fear, is scared, and doubts? It is that beautiful divine/human aspect of us that we walk around daily in. On Sunday, we’ll discuss how the Universe is never afraid and we shouldn't be either, while balancing it with the Kennedy Shultz quote, “Be open at the top, but don’t let your brains fall out!”.

Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Awaken from Winter’s Discontent
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Sunday Mar 01, 2015
Oh, how we are full of discontent for the weather, but is there actually a discontent somewhere else in our lives? What if we were to REALLY awaken to that something that is trying to come forth in our lives, that at first feels like discontent, but is actually an entire greater life to be lived? Come hear how we can truly awaken ourselves to our spiritual magnificence.

Sunday Feb 22, 2015
It Takes All Kinds
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
We teach here that this Power that created us, this Power that continually expresses life through us, has no religion, no gender, no skin color, and no sexual orientation. This power is the Creator of all those things and the substance of all things, but it embodies none of them. We are the ones who make those distinctions. Differences are not a problem until we start judging or evaluating each other based on those differences, thinking they’re more important than they really are. Then, when other people have the nerve to judge us, we start to feel threatened, and we react. Then they react, and we react, and on and on and on. That’s when things like discrimination and prejudice start to rear their ugly heads, followed closely by terrorism, persecution, wars, genocide, and so on.

Friday Feb 20, 2015
Great Balls of Fire- Living the Passionate Life!
Friday Feb 20, 2015
Friday Feb 20, 2015
The month of Love talks continue with living a Life we truly LOVE, the Life that will make you say when you look at body in the mirror, “Great Balls of Fire!”, the type of job you walk into every Monday morning announcing, “Great Balls of Fire!”, the type of financial status that when you see net worth, you proclaim, “Great Balls of Fire!”, and before a date starts, you go to bed with your spouse, or you enjoy your single Life, you announce, “Great Balls of Fire!”.
Goodness, gracious, we know to announce these things even though it might not be true in our current circumstances. We’ll learn how to think correctly about all the areas of our lives so we truly exclaim… GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!

Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Crazy Love - Rev. Paul Gonyea
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
Sunday Feb 08, 2015
“We spend too much of our time and energy listening to a very confused and cynical world telling us how dangerous it is to open our heart even for a moment, let alone keep it opened. And even worse, we constantly look backwards at our own experiences in the area of love and relationships — most of which occurred when we either didn't understand our own emotions, or were trying to connect with someone who didn't understand their emotions — and we assume the future will be just like the past, if not worse. So every time we get hurt, we shut down a part of our heart, then another part, and then another, until eventually our heart looks and feels like an armed fortress.”