
Sunday Jul 05, 2015
The Way of the Spiritual Path part 2 0 - Rev Ursula Lentine
Sunday Jul 05, 2015
Sunday Jul 05, 2015
Learn about the patterns and meaningfulness of what happens in a reality that sometimes does not make sense. The Spiritual Path has a Way unto itself. When we understand the Way, life suddenly becomes easier and more playful instead of confusing and chaotic.

Sunday Jun 28, 2015
Just Give Me A Sec - Rev. David Barrett
Sunday Jun 28, 2015
Sunday Jun 28, 2015
The World seems to always be making demands on us, and once in a while we ask people to “Give me a sec”, give me one second to complete what I am doing and I can then help you. Well, this week, the world time keepers give us one extra second….. what will you do with the extra second? Sleep it away, or change the world?

Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Go ask your Mother - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
Sunday Jun 21, 2015
What many chronically unhappy people express as irrational fear or justifiable anger towards their creator, because something in their life turned out badly, is actually fear or anger over their own perceived inability to control their life. They feel powerless. The problem is, as long as these people continue to focus on God as an unfair Father who keeps treating them badly, it gives them an external target for their frustration, which means they don’t have to take any responsibility. That’s why they spend so much time worshiping at the altar of victimhood. If they’d only stop being so spiritually paranoid, they might begin to realize that this Power can’t do anything TO them that it doesn’t do THROUGH them

Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Balancing Acts
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
When we remember that the world is created from the inside out, from the invisible to the visible, from thought to thing, we stop giving so much attention to the way things are at any given time because we realize that we can change them. In other words, by focusing on the one and only thing that we can control, which is what we are thinking in the present moment, we stop getting rattled when things go wrong. We stop getting upset because people aren’t behaving a certain way, or frustrated because the solution that shows up looks different than we expected. We simply start seeing something new in our consciousness, which sets the Law in motion, creating something different in our experience.

Sunday Jun 07, 2015
A Juneteenth Celebration -Rev. David Barrett
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
When I am not feeling free, when I am not feeling loved, when I am not feeling rich, when I am not feeling well….. there just may be a reason for it. Come hear how a bit of our US history shares an insight in how we can change all those feelings.

Sunday May 31, 2015
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained - Rev Angela Harmon
Sunday May 31, 2015
Sunday May 31, 2015
Are you afraid of taking risk?
Do you resist change?
Avoid uncertainty?
Do you do the same thing but want different results?
Often times, life becomes comfortable causing change to be undesirable To the point of being in fear! and doing nothing new or different at all cost
An acronym shared with me years proclaim the word FEAR to be
False Evidence Appearing Real
Living in fear of the unknown causes stagnation
Lack of movement
Resistant to change
In God there is no lack
Life changes constantly
Flows easily when we are able to face fear with faith
Keep in mind, “without risk, nothing changes”
Life is full of uncertainties
Allow SOM principles to build faith to overcome fear
Face the fear and do it anyway
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
We live in a Universe of infinite possibilities
Be brave, life will be abundant in all areas.
Enjoy the adventure.

Sunday May 24, 2015
Remembering What to Forget - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday May 24, 2015
Sunday May 24, 2015
We may not be able to choose or to change our past experiences. But we CAN choose what aspect of them we want to remember, as long as we also remember which part we need to forget. That means, instead of dwelling on someone’s death, we can choose to remember a life well-lived. Instead of remembering the pain of illness, we can choose to remember the healing that came after, or the health that sustained us before. Instead of remembering anger and fear, we can choose to remember love.

Sunday May 17, 2015
Discouraged with the outlook? Try the uplook! - Rev. David Barrett
Sunday May 17, 2015
Sunday May 17, 2015
When we look around and see where we might be in our lives, it may not look good….. and the outlook from that point in our lives may look even worse. But there is an aspect of ourselves that is always ready to pay attention to the higher level of consciousness that is already implanted in each one of us. We’ll learnthis Sunday to tap into that higher level of consciousness for all areas of our lives

Sunday May 10, 2015
Breaking the Apron Strings - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday May 10, 2015
Sunday May 10, 2015
We learn a lot of things from our mother. Wear clean underwear. Wash behind your ears. Don’t run with scissors. But one of the greatest things we can learn from our mother is the power of having someone who believes in us when we aren’t yet able to believe in ourselves. It’s like the mother bird who knows when her babies are ready to fly, and pushes them out of the nest. No matter how frightened they are, and how much they cry and complain, out they go. And they begin to fly.”

Sunday May 03, 2015
What Israel means to me - Rev. David Barrett
Sunday May 03, 2015
Sunday May 03, 2015
Israel is more than a place, it is a state of consciousness, and not just a state of consciousness for the Judaic Religion, but a state of consciousness for each one of us. Hint: the consciousness is three-fold…. IS RA EL …….Come hear about your own triune nature!