
Sunday Aug 30, 2015
Living Your Life’s Work
Sunday Aug 30, 2015
Sunday Aug 30, 2015
Some people think of work as something they have to put up with, in order to be able to do the things they love. They spend the hours from 8-5, or whenever they work, wishing they were somewhere else doing something else with somebody else. Some of them do it for thirty years or more. Then they retire, and they sit on the couch and watch television shows about other people who are going to interesting places, and doing exciting things. And eventually…they die. That’s perfectly all right, if that’s all they want out of life, but I’m guessing that you and I want a good deal more.”

Sunday Aug 23, 2015
The Hero Within
Sunday Aug 23, 2015
Sunday Aug 23, 2015
There is a hero within each one of us that is awaiting to come forward. There is a hero in our love life, our careers, our bodies, and in our financial affairs, but if the hero is not called upon, the hero sits idly by. Learn to announce the hero within you and see what heroic lives you will lead.

Sunday Aug 16, 2015
The Playful Power of Imagination -Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Aug 16, 2015
Sunday Aug 16, 2015
“The most powerful use of imagination doesn’t always come from a desire to be rich and famous and powerful; more often than not, it comes from a simple desire to create something new and better — not just to create “things,” but to create a greater expression of Life. It’s this “something” in our nature that looks at an acorn and sees an oak tree, or maybe even a whole forest of oak trees. It’s that passion for life, combined with our ability to think things through, combined with our ability to use intelligence and logic and experience and knowledge that gives us this power we have to create the possible from the impossible, to bring forth the known from the unknown.”

Sunday Aug 09, 2015
The Way to Be Alive!
Sunday Aug 09, 2015
Sunday Aug 09, 2015
The way to be ALIVE is to give the world the very best you can offer… And when you look close, the very best you can offer has nothing to do with the circumstances around you, but the underlying Truth of who you are. So when you let go of all the circumstantial reasons of why you are not achieving the LIFE you really want to live, then does the TRUTH of you have a chance to come forward for you to REALLY BE ALIVE!

Sunday Aug 02, 2015
Up in the Air - Rev. Angela Harmon
Sunday Aug 02, 2015
Sunday Aug 02, 2015
Up In the Air, whether you are flying, or feeling like you life is changing around you and you don't have control. Take the time to get centered and Pray.

Sunday Jul 26, 2015
How Can You Tell It’s Intuition?
Sunday Jul 26, 2015
Sunday Jul 26, 2015
If you read about people who are very well-known in many different fields (science, medicine, philosophy) who have made great discoveries, you will find that almost all of them did not make these decisions in the traditional way. Instead, they used a part of their mind that was much more circular than linear; they used what Eric Butterworth called “concentric thinking.” Most of us call it “intuition.” In almost every case, when they were asked about their thought process, they were completely unable to explain how they came up with the perfect answer at exactly the right moment. In some cases they had even given up on the possibility of finding an answer, when the right answer just ……showed up

Sunday Jul 19, 2015
Made for the Skies….…Crammed in a Cage - Rev David Barrett
Sunday Jul 19, 2015
Sunday Jul 19, 2015
During the month of July we speak of Freedom and Independence, and while we speak of these things, we FEEL bound, we feel dependent in our everyday lives. We think the binding and the dependence comes from outside sources like our bosses or our situations……. Come Sunday to hear where it ACTUALLY comes from, and what the TRUE answer is to live a Life of Freedom and Independence.

Sunday Jul 12, 2015
Dance Like No One Is Watching - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Jul 12, 2015
Sunday Jul 12, 2015
As far as I’m concerned, we take ourselves way too seriously. We get attached to looking a certain way, and being a certain way, and being thought of in a certain way. And we are very, very careful to protect our precious self-image. Part of that self-image includes our beliefs about how life is supposed to be lived, in every tiny detail, and that often includes how we think other people are supposed to live their lives, too. When other people are not doing the things we think they’re supposed to be doing, or when they’re not doing them in the way we think they should be done, we express our disapproval, sometimes openly but usually in more subtle ways. And subtle disapproval is the worst.

Sunday Jul 12, 2015
Dance Like No One Is Watching - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Jul 12, 2015
Sunday Jul 12, 2015
As far as I’m concerned, we take ourselves way too seriously. We get attached to looking a certain way, and being a certain way, and being thought of in a certain way. And we are very, very careful to protect our precious self-image. Part of that self-image includes our beliefs about how life is supposed to be lived, in every tiny detail, and that often includes how we think other people are supposed to live their lives, too. When other people are not doing the things we think they’re supposed to be doing, or when they’re not doing them in the way we think they should be done, we express our disapproval, sometimes openly but usually in more subtle ways. And subtle disapproval is the worst.

Sunday Jul 05, 2015
The Way of the Spiritual Path part 2 0 - Rev Ursula Lentine
Sunday Jul 05, 2015
Sunday Jul 05, 2015
Learn about the patterns and meaningfulness of what happens in a reality that sometimes does not make sense. The Spiritual Path has a Way unto itself. When we understand the Way, life suddenly becomes easier and more playful instead of confusing and chaotic.