
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
After the War Begins - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
Sunday Nov 08, 2015
The truth is, we do not believe in war because it is in the world. War is in the world because we believe in it. In the Science of Mind text, Ernest Holmes writes, “The more the world arms for war, the more certain it is that there will be war.” As long as we see war as a necessary evil, as an unfortunate but unavoidable event that has existed since civilization began, it will be a part of our world. If we see it as the only way to solve certain problems, our collective consciousness will see that we have plenty of problems that require it. Or as Abraham Maslow, the great psychologist, once said, “When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail.” Paul Gonyea

Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Googling God - Rev David Barrett
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Finally being able to track all the data that is out there, Google has released some stunning statistics about the search for word “GOD” on the internet. Not only are there searches for what the definition is, but also questions about WHY God does certain things, and also, requests being sent to God. This Sunday, we’ll look at some of that data, but we will also turn the question around. Instead of googling God… what would happen if God googled YOU! The answer is surprising!

Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Who Do You Want To Be? - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
Sunday Oct 25, 2015
“Even though we’re all connected at the God-level, each one of us is self-contained. We are the only ones who know where our own passion lies, the only ones who know what’s truly gratifying to us. The inner awareness that allows us to see who we really are is not visible to anyone else. If we don’t look for it, if we don’t find it and nurture it and allow it to grow, it will stay hidden from the world forever. That’s what it means when we say that this is our life and no one else can live it for us. The Law of Mind is ready to work through us, with all the power in the Universe at our disposal, but we have to decide to use it. We have to give it direction.”

Sunday Oct 18, 2015
The Rich Power of Your Mind - Rev David Barrett
Sunday Oct 18, 2015
Sunday Oct 18, 2015
If you had an App that was named “Magic Box” and it produced whatever you wanted whenever you opened the App, what would happen to your State of Consciousness? The first thing that would happen would be a complete change in your thinking!….And guess what happens after you change your thinking? You change your Life! Come hear how you have that App already this Sunday

Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Our Relationship with Money!- Rev. Ursula Lentine
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
Sunday Oct 11, 2015
There are spiritual laws available for each of us to use to make our lives more creative, more healthy, more loving, and more abundant. This month we will focus on the Law of Abundance and how the Universe is geared for us to live the abundant Life.

Sunday Oct 04, 2015
The Law of Abundance PLUS! - Rev David Barrett
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
Sunday Oct 04, 2015
There are spiritual laws available for each of us to use to make our lives more creative, more healthy, more loving, and more abundant. This month we will focus on the Law of Abundance and how the Universe is geared for us to live the abundant Life.

Sunday Sep 27, 2015
Sunday Sep 27, 2015
“Using the power of our belief to create a certain result is not about trying to change the laws of the universe, or the laws of Life. Universal Laws do not change. Instead, this is about changing our understanding of those laws. It’s not about pitting ourselves against the Truth, whether we’re talking about the scientific truth of how gravity works, or the spiritual truth of our Oneness with God. It’s about using our Faith to place ourselves in harmony with the creative power of Life.” Paul Gonyea

Sunday Sep 20, 2015
The Enlightenment Series Week Three – “I See the God In You
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
“Whenever we are faced with a situation that cries out for something compassionate to be done, we will always be most effective if we allow our head and our heart to work together. That’s because our emotions, those powerful expressions of our humanity and our spirituality, are most powerful when they are directed by intelligent thought. In almost every case, what we should be dealing with is not so much the suffering itself, as much as the root cause of the suffering. That may not sound at first like the most compassionate solution, but if our actions end the suffering, that’s far better than a more surface solution.”

Sunday Sep 13, 2015
The Enlightenment Series Week Two – “Integrity: The Right Best Thing To Do”
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
Lying is an affirmation, to ourselves, that we know we did the wrong thing, and that we’re afraid of the consequences of what we did. Enlightened people, on the other hand, are smart enough to tell the truth because they know that the Truth sets us free. It keeps things out in the open. It lets everyone know exactly where things are, so any problems that exist get cleared up as soon as possible. It allows healing to begin, and growth to occur. This is true in business. It’s also true in our relationships. But most important of all, it’s true about how we create our every experience

Sunday Sep 06, 2015
Sunday Sep 06, 2015
Some people think of work as something they have to put up with, in order to be able to do the things they love. They spend the hours from 8-5, or whenever they work, wishing they were somewhere else doing something else with somebody else. Some of them do it for thirty years or more. Then they retire, and they sit on the couch and watch television shows about other people who are going to interesting places, and doing exciting things. And eventually…they die. That’s perfectly all right, if that’s all they want out of life, but I’m guessing that you and I want a good deal more.”