
Wednesday Jun 08, 2016
Intentional Living - Rev Paul Gonyea
Wednesday Jun 08, 2016
Wednesday Jun 08, 2016
Once we learn to intentionally choose the pace, the depth and the quality of our life, the achievement part comes easy. But instead, what most of us do is keep searching for the direction we think we want to go, or the direction we think we're supposed to go, and then allow the direction we choose to dictate our life. That's why we end up pursuing a certain career for example, or a financial goal, or even a certain person for a relationship, and when we finally get there we're only happy for a very short period of time.

Monday Jun 06, 2016
Making a Brand New Memory - Rev Paul Gonyea
Monday Jun 06, 2016
Monday Jun 06, 2016
A man by the name of Sir James Barrie once wrote, ‘God gave us memory that we might have roses in December.’ That’s a beautiful way of saying that a clear and balanced memory allows us to remember all the wonderful and beautiful experiences we had in the past. Even better, it allows us to remember what it’s like to be happy and healthy and prosperous and loving. This is exceptionally important during those periods in our life when we might have lost sight of these things, when our life doesn’t seem to be going so well.

Sunday May 22, 2016
Nobody Improves By Dying - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday May 22, 2016
Sunday May 22, 2016
“It’s not unusual for us to fear the unknown; it’s just something we seem to do. But if we start looking at Life as a never-ending continuum, or if we start to look at Death as just another part of Life, as simply another step on a never-ending journey, there’s a good chance that something wonderful will happen. Not only will we begin thinking about death in a better, healthier and less threatening way. There’s a very good chance we’ll start looking at our present life in a better way, too.”

Sunday May 15, 2016
Embracing Change - Greta Counts
Sunday May 15, 2016
Sunday May 15, 2016
Join Licensed Practitioner and Life Coach Greta Counts to learn how to navigate the winds of change in your life! “As human beings, we are creatures of habit and often find comfort in the routine of life or what’s familiar to us until something happens that causes us to face the inevitable…the need for conscious CHANGE. As polymorphic beings we are always changing but often we are unaware. What we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.”

Sunday May 08, 2016
It Was My Mom’s Idea! - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday May 08, 2016
Sunday May 08, 2016
“The image of a woman carrying a child to term is, when you think about it, a picture-perfect physical analogy of something we all do many, many times during our lives. And that is the way in which we give birth to ideas that change the way we live. In one respect, we’re all mothers, in the way that we conceive, nurture, and give birth to ideas that have the potential to grow and grow and grow, first inside of us and then outside of us, until they become so completely intertwined with our physical experience that they make our life almost unrecognizable from what it was before.”

Sunday May 01, 2016
Just Tell Me Where It Hurts - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday May 01, 2016
Sunday May 01, 2016
"Many people are confused when they hear on Sunday that God is Love, and that this Power only wants the best for us, and then they look out and see all the pain and suffering that seems to be everywhere. It's especially difficult when they themselves or someone they love are suffering great physical or emotional pain, for no apparent reason. It makes us ask some very difficult questions. And though we all try to find an answer that makes sense to us, sometimes the answers we latch onto only make the situation worse."

Sunday Apr 24, 2016
The Powerful Message of Passover - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
“Even when we’re in extremely painful circumstances — even when we’re living in an unhealthy or unhappy relationship; even when we’re working at a job we seriously dislike, with people who treat us badly; even when we’re suffering from a physical ailment or disability we’ve had for years — we aren’t always ready to do what we need to do to let it go. We may not like what’s going on. We may tell everybody we know that we’re unhappy and we want a change. But far too often, we still aren’t willing to say — in our heart of hearts, with complete conviction, with total and unconditional faith in the Law of Life — we still aren’t willing to say, “OK, God; I’m ready. Let’s do it.” For some strange reason, it’s hard for us to do.”

Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Can You Imagine That! - Rev Paul Gonyea
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
"Imagination is not purely an intellectual exercise. It certainly requires the ability to think and to attract new ideas, but those aren’t what is most important. What it really demands is the ability to dream and to play, both mentally and spiritually, and to suspend all judgment and let our thoughts soar where they’ve never gone before. But here’s something else I’ve noticed. If you think about it, the most obvious time we start to imagine something better, in our life or in the world, is when our spiritual desires are not being met by “what is.” When our heart is filled with “divine discontent,” our mind starts searching in earnest for something to replace what we’re discontented with."

Sunday Apr 10, 2016
When Neither Choice Seems Right - Rev. Paul Gonyea
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
“The most difficult decisions we ever have to make are those where neither choice promises an attractive or enjoyable outcome. This is the proverbial “Caught between a rock and a hard place.” We’ve all been in situations like these, and they’re no fun, especially when we’re dealing with some serious, life-altering or life-threatening situations. For example, do we stay in an unhappy relationship, or do we throw away a ten-year marriage? Do we quit a job we can’t stand any more, or do we drag around for seven more years until retirement? Radiation or chemotherapy? Buy a home or rent? These are tough decisions. And when we encounter them, what makes the decision process even more difficult is that many of our most difficult emotions come into play, most of them based on fear.”

Sunday Apr 03, 2016
Be Magnanimous! - Rev Angela Harmon
Sunday Apr 03, 2016
Sunday Apr 03, 2016
We live in an ever changing world , Just as seasons change, so do we, Gandhi said “Be the change you wish to see”
A search activated in me for positive change, Which lead me to my personal branding on “Developing happiness habits”
As a licensed facilitator & coach of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, Material I attribute to being my passageway to finding and embracing the Science of Mind teaching by Ernest Holmes Life confirms habits can be hard to break, Or difficult to maintain,Our journey is a forever unfolding , Validating a strong foundation is key to demonstrating life in a greater way
For our habits make us,As my journey continue to unfold through affirmations and unforeseen discoveries and awakenings
Today, I’m challenged to incorporate yet another new habit, “Be magnanimous!”, Which I regard as my first “original” happiness habit It may take less effort to harbor resentment, To dismiss rather than welcome change, Or even be angry and upset by harmful acts, intentional or unintentional heaped upon us “Pain is meant to be felt” but not a place to dwell,Life is not without challenges, If peaceful living is preferred, Have courage, Forgive and Be magnanimous
And it so it will be, Up to the challenge?