
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
State 0f Grace - Greta Counts RsCP
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Grace is largely a Christian term, thought of as the love of God shown to the unlovely, the peace of God given to the restless and the unmerited favor of God. The truth is, grace isn’t something God gives us if we do something right; it’s something we always have access to (in us), but we have to choose to be open to it. Grace is the givingness of Spirit to Its creation, and the entire secret of harmonious existence as far as we are individually concerned is in the attaining of a ‘consciousness of grace.

Sunday Mar 12, 2017
How To Say Goodbye - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Mar 12, 2017
Sunday Mar 12, 2017
When someone leaves our life unexpectedly, before we’re ready (and we’re never really ready), the feelings we have can be overwhelming. Fear, despair, anger, resentment, all those things are perfectly natural, perfectly normal reactions — for awhile. No one can say for how long, but they’re not meant to last forever. We need to be able to stand in the center of our grief and to see ourselves going through it, and to feel whatever it is that we feel. But somehow, eventually, we have to be able to reach inside and to touch our center, our inner core, and to release the person we love so much to something greater. Because that’s what death is.

Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Living A Compassionate Life - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
People who are able to look past judgment and blame, people who look at every other person as their equal in the sight of God, have a special place in the world. They have a sense of peace, a sense of calm. They have a firm conviction that all of life is important, however it’s being expressed. This gives them power over those of us who get caught up in appearances, those of us who guard our time and our money so closely, because someone might take advantage of us. But these people don’t have anything that you and I don’t have; they’re simply seeing something that we’ve forgotten to look for — they see God in every other person. They are truly ‘in this world but not of it.~

Sunday Feb 26, 2017
The Good Old Golden Rule - Rev. Paul Gonyea
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
Some of us assume that whatever we want for ourselves is good for us, and whatever is good for us must be good for everyone else, too. That doesn’t take into consideration the fact that what we want is not always the best for us, so it may not be good for others, either. It may even be a good idea for us to examine those things we think we want in life and see if they really are something that would be appropriate to impose on others. We may find that we’re selling ourselves short, and not seeking or expecting anything near to what we might be able to acquire or achieve. If that’s the case, then we may not only be short-changing ourselves; we may be short-changing the people around us, too.

Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Getting Through The Dark Ages - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
If we are looking for reasons to stay trapped in a situation that's not helping us live life to the fullest, we can always find all the reasons we need. But we have to understand that finding reasons for a problem only prolongs the problem. We can never find a way out of a negative or unhealthy situation if we spend all our time and energy looking for reasons to justify it. When things aren't working in our life, there's a tendency to keep our consciousness focused on limitation-producing conditions, not because those conditions need to be limiting, but because we allow them to limit us. We accept them as cold, hard facts. That's what the world tells us is normal, rational thinking; but the world is wrong.

Sunday Feb 12, 2017
A World Made For Love - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
We need to change the way we think about love. In fact, until we’re able to change the way we understand both love and life (and the two DO go hand-in-hand; nobody ever needs to be living a life without love) — until we begin to accept that both life and love are exquisitely designed by a Perfect Loving Intelligence to expand and enrich our experience of living, we may very well find ourselves wandering without direction (emotionally, if not physically), feeling unhappy and unloved and helpless to change it, when we should be feeling just the opposite. This is true about every kind of love, but it is especially true about romantic love

Sunday Feb 05, 2017
What Goes Around, Comes Around - Rev. Angela Harmon
Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Sunday Feb 05, 2017
If you haven't seen the movie 'Hidden Figures,' I highly recommend it. Not to give the story away, it's based on a true story about three African American women who contributed their talents to the NASA space program and the quest to reach outer space...even taking us the moon. So how about you? As a child, did you shoot for the moon and dream big? And today, do you dwell on past regrets, or live in the past? Are your life lessons learned or repeated again and again? The Law says that unlearned lessons are repeated as a friendly reminder of living in a world of cause and effect. What we put out comes back to us. So, what are you putting out? Are you reliving your past over and over? Allow spiritually principled-living to (re)script your story, carving out new paths and defining life in a greater way. Live life fully as you design and it comes around divine.

Sunday Jan 29, 2017
Sunday Jan 29, 2017
Sunday Jan 29, 2017
It is a Basic Truth that our life only gets better when we do; that is, when we make a conscious and deliberate decision to change our mind about what we allow ourselves to accomplish or to experience, and we begin to believe that we can have something better. That’s one ability we have that no one can ever take away from us; the ability to change our present thoughts and beliefs. We can use that ability or not, but it’s always there. If we believe in it and use it intelligently, it will work beautifully for us as we direct it. But if we don’t believe in it, or if we don’t use it intelligently, it still works, only it works through the law of averages, because we aren’t giving it any direction.

Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
The only difference between spiritual laws and the laws of physics is that we think only physical laws are real. But metaphysics and quantum physics are showing us that the laws of the invisible universe, the mental and spiritual universe, are just as real as the laws we use in the visible world. They're all here for our benefit. And they will always do what they are designed to do for anyone who uses them intelligently. We don't have to earn them. We don't have to beg for them to work. They aren't being hidden. History has shown that all we have to do is to pay attention to the world around us, until we figure out what wonderful things we can do by using any of the laws of Life to create an even better life

Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
This idea that all the great teachers talked about, that we are all outlets for the creative energy of the Universe, that we are all openings for the power of Spirit to make good things happen in the world, is a transformational idea. It brings immediate change. When the Master Teacher Jesus supposedly said, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life,” what I believe he really said was, “I am showing you the way. I am telling you the Truth. This is the way to live your Life.” He was telling us that finding a better way to live isn’t about praying for God to show up and fix things; it’s about recognizing that God is already here, and that we are its vehicle