
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Seeing the God In Us.- Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
If we learn to see ourselves as a perfect idea in the Mind of God expressing in the world, that doesn’t limit the idea of God; it shows what God can do. But it also allows us to see ourselves as something greater, too, and there’s nothing wrong with that at all. In fact, I believe that most of the world’s problems would disappear overnight if we could all see ourselves as something greater than we appear to be — if we could all see each other as divine beings, and behave with each other as if it were true.

Sunday Jan 07, 2018
A Better Kind of God - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
If we are ever going to grow into a greater understanding of our spiritual essence, and a greater understanding of our true nature, at some point it becomes necessary for us to give up this physical, superhuman idea of God, with all the limitations that kind of an image carries with it. We need to exchange it for a more expansive or open idea that accepts the One Creative Power of the Universe as a spiritual energy, instead of as a ‘being’ with a certain shape and size and personality and address. We need to think of God as a non-physical, intangible Intelligence that has no limits. We can’t keep thinking of God as just a bigger, stronger, smarter, faster copy of us that can fly and see into the future.

Sunday Dec 17, 2017
The Word Made Flesh - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
This idea of “the Word made flesh” isn’t just about any old idea becoming any old thing. When we talk about “the Word,” using a capital W, we’re talking about focusing on a specific idea we have in mind. We’re talking about using our words for a specific intent. We’re talking about words deliberately chosen for a specific purpose, words carefully selected with a full understanding and expectation that they are going to accomplish exactly what we want them to accomplish and nothing else. And we’re also talking about having complete faith that our word is creative. It’s that clarity of thought and belief, and the passion we put behind it, that gives us the power to create whatever we desire.

Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Giving ‘Til It Feels Good. - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
The best reason for us to give is because we can. That may sound a bit boring, but think of what it means. When we give of what we have for no other reason than to keep things flowing, we don’t have to worry about where our gift goes. We don’t have to worry about whether it will be replaced. We don’t have to worry about getting repaid, or being rewarded for our generosity. We can give, not out of a feeling of charity and generosity, but out of an awareness, or a knowing, that the universe is abundant, and that its abundance is everywhere present, including where we are. When we do that, interesting things happen.

Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Order Is Heaven’s First Law - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
So this is what we need to know: If the Kingdom of heaven is in each one of us, as all the great teachers have told us, and if order really is heaven’s first law, and the nature of order is beauty, harmony and balance, then this Divine Order we’re talking about must potentially be in every one of us. So when we use the term “Divine Order,” we’re not talking about trying to figure out what God wants the world to look like, or how God wants us and everybody else to behave. We’re talking, at the highest spiritual level, about bringing order to our own thoughts, and beliefs, and feelings, so that we can then move through the world with an open, inquisitive and non-judgmental mind, seeing the endless opportunities for creation that are constantly unfolding right before our eyes.

Sunday Nov 26, 2017
The Music of Life - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Nov 26, 2017
Sunday Nov 26, 2017

Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Say thank you! Really? - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
What is the big deal about saying thank you? There must be more to it to it than being polite and getting along with people.” Enjoy the delightful wisdom of our special guest, Dr. Bob Deen, as he talks about the value of these two simple words, and the power they have when spoken by a consciousness that knows their true meaning. After all, good manners are always spiritually correct!

Sunday Nov 12, 2017
For the Love of Money - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Money is kind of like fertilizer; if we pile it up and try to hold on to it, it stinks and, eventually, so do we. But if we spread it around, in the right amount and in the right places, things start to grow. That’s how abundance expands. Saying that we live in an abundant universe doesn’t mean that everything already exists; it means that we live in a universe of infinite potential where anything can be created out of what appears to be nothing, but is in fact everything. Matter is formed out of energy, but even when it becomes matter, it’s still energy, only now it’s energy in physical form. And in our life, that energy responds to our consciousness to create the things we see. Money is energy.

Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Time Enough to Live - Rev Paul Gonyea
Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Sunday Nov 05, 2017
If we think of time as nothing more than a fixed number of minutes available to every person every day, we’re making the same mistake that people make who are obsessed with money. We’re confusing quantity with quality. Because a minute spent holding someone we love, or petting our dog, or standing on the beach watching the sun set, is worth far more than a minute spent sitting in Atlanta traffic while we’re late for another unnecessary meeting. A minute spent in the early morning sipping a warm cup of tea while we think about all the things we’re grateful for is much more powerful than a minute on a stair machine watching CNN or reading the Wall Street Journal.

Sunday Oct 29, 2017
It’s A ‘WOW’ Life! - Rev. Angela Harmon
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
Sunday Oct 29, 2017
In today’s world, we are seeing and experiencing so much devastation. But even in the midst of devastation, the sun shines, the moon rises, the leaves are changing, creating fall splendor. Wow! Lives are rescued, greater lessons are learned, hearts & minds stand together to lift each other up. Wow! A shift in consciousness happens! Wow, the happy! The aftermath of incredible loss triggers abundance in the outpouring of the human spirit, making a greater difference in the world. Wow, the love!
The word Wow describes life from disastrous to miraculous! Through love, faith and trust we can transcend anything to our highest Wow vibration. How we choose to live makes all the difference. To live life in a greater way no matter what is to live a principle-centered life. Ernest Holmes enlightens many through the philosophy of the Science of Mind, to live a miraculously Wow Life! Wow, the peace!