
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
The Light of a New Dawn - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
The current year fades into the new, as the night subtly yet suddenly becomes dawn. What vision draws us toward the new day? What must be left behind to fulfill the promise of the new day’s Vision? Hearts fill with gratitude and enthusiasm as the new day breaks and we set foot upon the path.
Week’s Affirmation: Life is all I am and all I am is Life!

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
The Gift of a New Journey - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
The journey is the gift; a sacred continuum of giving and receiving in the eternal movement to greater understanding and activity of the Journey into greater expression of the One. What gifts do we offer as the expression of the greater yet-to-be? In joyful expectancy we follow our inner “Star of Wonder, Star of Light.”
Week’s Affirmation: The Spirit within me makes all things new.

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
The Joy of Becoming - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
In the stillness and surrender is time to pause, peruse, and plan the next descent and ascent moving from good to greater good as we take in what we have become through this year of growth. A critical step in every journey of Spiritual Growth and adventure is pausing at the plateau to assimilate and integrate our experiences before finding “what’s next.” This quiet space is the time for deepening in the experience with the confident expectation of the revelation of God for what is next.
Week’s Affirmation: I sit in joyful expectation of the revelation of God.

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Surrender is Action - Rev. Julie Lobato
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Surrender is an active verb and requires a conscious choice to move from control into relaxing into the Order of the Divine. We surrender into order, not into chaos. Surrendering further, we let go of all sense of separation and enter a state of conscious union with one another and the Divine.
Week’s Affirmation: I lay all burdens on the altar of Divine Love.

Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Gratitude Beyond Gifts - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Recognizing that we are living an ordinary mystical journey, we cultivate a deeper gratitude for that which is seen and unseen, heard and unheard along our path of becoming.
Week’s Affirmation: I am grateful for everything I am, do, and have.

Friday Nov 26, 2021
Celebrating the Triumphant Journey: - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
We appreciate, celebrate, and demonstrate the growth within as we arrive and move forward along the sacred continuum.
Week’s Affirmation: Today I live as the Power, Joy and magnificence of God in dynamic demonstration.

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Seeing Beauty, Feeling Grace - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
We take another sacred pause to appreciate the beauty, grace and feeling tone of the presence of Spirit within. We recognize that each point along this journey has brought us to this moment of spiritual growth and place of awakened grace.
Week’s Affirmation: I appreciate the Beauty and Grace that dwell within all creation.

Friday Nov 12, 2021
The View From Here - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Living from a higher consciousness, we reflect on the timeless wisdom of the journey recognizing that this moment is not the final destination of our spiritual evolution. We breathe in appreciating the expansiveness of our growth and development along the way.
Week’s Affirmation: I lift my eyes to the highest and grandest view of life.

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Dig Deep - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Whatever you have left, bring it! As we approach a fuller expression of our Greater Good, what tools, resources, and truths are available to you? What is inside you, inviting you to the higher and more loving experience of life? As the journey of the year nears its peak and end, what did you lean on? What truths bolster you?
Weekly Affirmation: I am because we are.

Thursday Oct 21, 2021
We > Me: Going Further Together - Rev Dr Bob Deen
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Ubuntu is a part of Zulu life philosophy meaning “I am because we are.” In community, we embody a gestalt of consciousness— a whole that is greater than the mere sum of its parts—and each individual is uplifted because of the support of the group.
Weekly Affirmation: As we go and grow further together, the world brightens.